If you’ve been diagnosed with tennis elbow, you might be wondering how to sleep with this condition. In this article, we’ll explain how to sleep on your back with your arm propped up to reduce the stress on the affected area timebusiness. You can also try sleeping on your side to reduce the pressure on the arm and maximize the healing process during the night. In addition, you can prop up your arm with a pillow or two.
If you can’t stand the pain, ice is a good option. The ice should be wrapped in a plastic bag to prevent oozing, but no longer than 10 minutes. Another great alternative to ice is heat. Heat helps relax muscles surrounding the elbow, which can relieve pain and promote healing isohunt. While heat should be avoided during the acute stage, it works wonders for chronic cases. Apply heat to the affected area for 10 to 20 minutes every six hours and repeat as needed. During the day, you should use heat to loosen the muscles before engaging in activity waptrickcom.
Heating pads are great options for relieving pain from Tennis Elbow, but make sure you choose a heating pad with a timer, as improper use of heating pads can cause irreversible damage to the injured area chatrad. You may also want to consider pain meds and topical liniments. If all else fails, you may want to check with a doctor for a prescription for either. You should be able to find a treatment that is right for you newshubpages.