Viacom18 recently launched an over-the-top video-on-demand (OTT) service in India called Voot. The service is available on a variety of devices, including iOS and KaiOS mobile apps and as a website. The platform is available for desktop consumption, too. In this review, we’ll explore the app’s benefits, drawbacks, and future plans. Voot’s video on-demand service was launched in March 2016.
Although not available on all platforms, Voot’s platform is free to use. To start watching, all you need to do is download the Voot app or visit its website. The service also has a mobile app that lets you watch it on the go. The platform is free, but you will have to register an account. You can use your Google or Facebook account to sign up. Voot is ad-supported, so you’ll see advertisements on screen, but the content catalogue makes up for it.
The interface is very user-friendly, and Voot’s library includes over 35,000 hours of entertainment. There’s something for everyone, from classics to fresh and quirky originals. You can browse by genre, or filter by IMDb rating or age rating. Alternatively, you can choose from hundreds of original web series. It’s definitely worth a try! So, what’s the catch? If you’re a parent, make sure you get a subscription!
While Voot is an excellent streaming service for Indian content, it doesn’t offer the same level of privacy for those outside India. Voot also blocks users from certain countries, due to copyright requirements. If you live outside of India, you may be unable to access the content, but it’s not a big deal if you want to stream Indian TV shows and movies without ads. A paid subscription will remain active for the duration of your subscription.