Indian cricket skipper Virat Kohli has taken the world by storm with his recent look newsstock. The new look has many fans wondering what he’s been up to. Fans have taken to social media to copy Kohli’s intense bearded look, with some comparing him to Shahid Kapoor’s character in Money Heist. And, of course, there are the countless comments on the new hairstyle.
A recent photo of Virat Kohli has gone viral, despite its photo-shopped appearance. The cricketer has been seen with a cropped haircut in some of his recent videos. Fans are even comparing him to the character Alvaro Morte from the web series. The new look has a lot to do with the finale of Money Heist, which is releasing two parts in 2017.
The house Virat Kohli resides in is grand and stylish. The house boasts of contemporary architecture, complemented by woodwork and tastefully-placed furniture. A chandelier hangs above the dining table, newsvilla which complements the minimalist style of the house. Virat and Anushka Kohli spend a lot of time outdoors and have several balconies in the house. Virat Kohli’s parents also live in the house.
After retiring from the international stage, Kohli has expanded his interests. He has ventured into the hospitality industry, launching a chain of fitness facilities in Bengaluru. He also has a new restaurant called “Nueva”, which he visited with his wife Anushka Sharma and friends. The RCB team has also been seen at the launch of the restaurant. It seems that Kohli’s new look is only the latest addition to his ever-growing business portfolio.