Religious freedom is a fundamental right in the US and is enshrined in the First Amendment of the Constitution. This means that you have the right to be free from religious discrimination in the workplace. Your employer should not make any employment decisions based on your religion, such as hiring, firing, promotions, or compensation rates. Also, your employer should not prevent you from practicing or observing your religion. It’s important for companies to be accommodating to employees who want to practice their faith. This could mean granting time off for worship or celebrating religious holidays. However, can your employer require you to work on a day that is significant to your religion? Head to the employee lawyer podcast to learn more.
Accommodation requests:
In New York, employers are expected to accommodate employees’ religious preferences in a fair manner. For instance, if an employee requests a certain day off for religious obligations, the employer has to be allowed to comply without having a negative impact on business operations. The request may be turned down if making the accommodation will put the business through an unjustified hardship.
For instance, if a business is open on Sundays and an employee’s faith requires them to take Sundays off, the company might schedule that worker for that day, and request that the shift be given to someone else. If the business doesn’t have anyone else who can perform the work, they might consider it a hardship and require the employee to work on Sundays or deny the time off request
Businesses can accommodate religious holidays:
Big businesses often have the workforce necessary to handle all crucial functions even when specific staff members need time off for religious observance. However, a small business may not be able to give all of its employees particular days off without suffering financial consequences.
If a significant number of employees need time off on the same day or during the same period, it can lead to a situation where the business cannot operate efficiently or may have to close for the day. This can be particularly problematic if the business is already running on a tight budget and cannot afford to lose customers or revenue.
Final thoughts:
You might wish to speak with the attorney about the circumstances to determine whether you have the right to pursue legal action if you feel that you have been subjected to unjustified punishment or other types of discrimination because of your religious views.