As an employee, you work hard to earn your wages, and you rightfully deserve every penny. However, it’s unfortunate that some employers engage in wage theft, where they attempt to take away some of the money from their workers. This is an illegal and unethical practice, but it still happens, and you need to be aware of the red flags to ensure that you receive fair compensation. According to reports, workers lose billions of dollars every year due to wage theft, making it a significant issue. Check out this employment law podcast to learn more about wage theft.
To help you identify wage theft, here are some common ways employers engage in this unlawful practice:
Not Paying For Overtime:
Some employers fail to pay their employees overtime pay despite working more than the standard hours. This type of wage theft is prevalent and usually occurs when employers hope their workers won’t notice or when they claim that the worker is not eligible for overtime pay.
Working Unpaid Hours:
Have you ever worked tirelessly, even after net worth clocking out or during your break, just to complete a project or finish a task? It’s an exhausting and frustrating feeling, but unfortunately, some employers turn a blind eye to this and label it as “normal.” However, this practice is anything but normal, as it robs you of your hard-earned wages. It’s a type of wage theft that affects many employees. Some employers will ask their workers to continue working after clocking out or take short breaks so they can continue to work while not being paid. This practice is also a form of wage theft.
Misappropriating Employees’ Tips:
For many employees who work in restaurants and hotels, tips are a vital part of their income. It’s a gratifying feeling when a customer shows appreciation for your hard work with a generous tip. However, it’s disheartening to find out that your employer is stealing trendingbird some of those tips that you rightfully earned. Employees who work in tipped positions such as restaurants and hotels rely on tips as part of their income. Employees may be forced to divide their tips with other employees who are not entitled to them or be subjected to illegal tipping practices by their employers.
Final Thoughts:
Wage theft is an illegal and unethical practice that deprives workers of their hard-earned wages. Employees who experience wage theft have legal options to recover their lost wages, including filing a complaint with their state’s labor department. It’s important for workers to be aware of their rights and report any employer who violates them.