Adding a link to your Snap is easy if you have a website you want to share with your friends. You can paste the link into the URL bar or search for it using Google. Once the link is opened, tap the blue “Attach to Snap” button. The page you link to will open on your Snapchat camera. After you’ve added your link, you can personalize it or send it as a story.
To remove the link, select it in the vertical menu and then tap Remove Attachment at the bottom. Once you have removed the link, your link is no longer displayed in your Snap. However, it will still show up at the bottom of your story, which your friends can swipe up to visit your website. You can also set the link to only be seen by friends. Then, if you want to share the link with friends, they can swipe up to view it.
You can also add friends to Snapchat using the contacts on your device. Once you’ve uploaded your contact data, you can access it from the website. You can also search for people based on their user name or real name. You can also add a friend by using the “add my friend” button, which can be accessed from any other website or mobile phone. This feature is useful if you’re having trouble finding friends or you’re looking for a way to expand your Snapchat network.