Historically, myths have played a major role in the lives of people. They have been a part of oral and written storytelling for thousands of years, and have served as both religion and science throughout human history. In ancient Greece and Rome, mythology served as a source of science, and it has a vast relevance in cultural studies. Despite their unclear development, myths are often found in all cultures and disciplines.
A classic example is The Odyssey. The story tells the tale of an ancient god. He travels to a faraway land and defeats a demon. As the hero of a heroic tale, he must thwart his evil counterpart, but he must do it to win the love of his life. Similarly, myths are also popular with children because of the character development that they have.
Greek mythology includes many examples of mythological characters. The god of war, Ares, is an iconic example. In this story, he is the only Titan to side with Zeus in his battle against Cronus. Prometheus, however, defies the gods repeatedly by helping humans. Zeus then devises an unjust torture for him. Another famous example of a mythological character is Dionysus, god of wine and fertility.
In other myths, the gender of the hero is not lasenorita determinant, and there are a number of characters who have a gender of their own. In Greek mythology, Prometheus, the Titan who steals the heavenly fire, gives humanity fire, and helps mankind advance. Other examples include the fallen angel Azazel, or the hero Matarisvan, who is mentioned in the Rigveda, a collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns.